Friday, June 17, 2011

Pirates player’s wife attacked in traffic dispute

Pirates player’s wife attacked in traffic dispute

PITTSBURGH (AP)—A man attacked the wife of Pirates catcher Chris Snyder(notes) in a traffic dispute while Snyder sat in the car, unable to get out because he’d had back surgery, Pittsburgh police said.
Carla Snyder and the scooter-riding man, Subhash Arjanbhi Modhwadia, nearly collided Wednesday. The 44-year-old Modhwadia followed her to a gas station, kicked the vehicle and swung at Carla Snyder, police said. He also ripped a mirror off the car.
A passer-by and an off-duty police officer subdued him. Modhwadia bit the bystander and threw punches with keys between his fingers, police said. Snyders’two children also were in the car. Modhwadia is being held on $25,000 bail. The Pirates said the team is “grateful for those bystanders who stepped up to assist Chris to ensure no physical harm was done to his wife and children.

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