Thursday, June 9, 2011

Medias rojas asumir el primer lugar después de otro Trouncing de los Yankees

Medias rojas asumir el primer lugar después de otro Trouncing de los Yankees

Asociado Press|Jun. 9, 2011, 12:17 AM|

NUEVA YORK # AP # — sin efectismos llamativo esta vez. David Ortiz golpeó otro jonrón en el Yankee Stadium y tomó un ordinario trote alrededor de las bases.

Sí, el golpear a los Yankees de Nueva York es cada rutina para los Red Sox.

Ortiz golpeó uno de tres cuadrangulares de Boston para realizar un incansable Tim Wakefield y los Red Sox extendió su dominio de los Yankees esta temporada, derrotando a Nueva York 11-6 en la noche del miércoles a ocupar el primer lugar en el este AL.

¿Hola David, lo hicimos afectadas?

"Una bomba", dijo, se ríe de dibujo.

Carl Crawford y J.D. Drew también conectado, tanto en la novena entrada para romper el juego abierto por segunda vez. Jacoby Ellsbury tuvo tres hits y Adrian Gonzalez añadió dos carreras impulsadas.

Frente a su enemigo más familiar en Wakefield, Derek Jeter terminó 1 a 5 mover dentro de 11 hits de 3.000. Tuvo un doble puntuación de ejecución pero también se basa en un mitin-asesinato doble play.

Alex Rodríguez homered pero A.J. Burnett # 6-4 # surgieron pequeñas en un gran juego para los Yankees golpeó de seguridad, que han perdido siete de ocho encuentros con sus rivales durante mucho tiempo esta temporada, incluyendo cinco en casa.

La última vez que los Red Sox ganó sus primeros cinco carreteras juegos contra los Yankees en una temporada fue de 1912, en el camino hacia un título de serie mundial.

"Jugamos a estos chicos tanto. Si no juegas bien van a golpear le,"dijo Jeter. "Ha outplayed nosotros. Tienen un buen equipo. La conclusión es pueden golpear y pueden lanzar. Puede hacer un poco de todo."

Boston va por su segundo barrido en el Yankee Stadium en un mes la noche del jueves cuando diestro Josh Beckett enfrenta compañeros as CC Sabathia en su último partido de marquesina. Beckett ha golpeado Sabathia y los Yanquis dos veces en dos impecable inicia esta temporada, ponchando a 19 entradas de blanqueo de más de 14.

Boston anotado tres se ejecuta en el primero de la noche segundo consecutiva, incluyendo un tiro de dos carreras por Ortiz.

El reinante AL jugador de la semana, tiene cuatro cuadrangulares en sus últimos ocho juegos, golpeó una unidad de dos carreras en la victoria del martes y lo salpicada con una tapa engreído de su bate, seguido por una pirueta sedoso antes de partir hacia la primera base.

Yankees administrador Joe Girardi dijo "realmente importaba para ello", y Ortiz dijo que era simplemente "Papi estilo".

Ese jonrón se produjo un lanzamiento después de novato Héctor Noesi respaldó a Ortiz fuera del plato, pero los Yankees nunca le rozó espalda el miércoles.

Ortiz dijo que no estaba preocupado por Nueva York tirando de él en represalia.

"Por qué yo?", dijo. "No me importa lo que dijo Joe Girardi. Vengo a jugar todos los días. Eso es todo. He terminado con eso.

"Cruzamos esa línea, nos lo tomamos como un hombre. Eso es todo".

Y hay una razón que jugó cool cuando conectó el miércoles.

"No quiero ser noticias nacionales de mañana", dijo Ortiz. "No quiero que los chicos me pide las mismas preguntas. Tengo casi 370 bombas en las grandes ligas. Todo el mundo quiere hacer gran cosa porque bate-voltear una de ellas."

Los Red Sox han ganado cinco directamente en general después de perder cuatro en fila. Boston tiene 18 victorias en 24 partidos, a partir del aumento de una barrida de tres juegos en el Bronx, del 13 al 15 de mayo.

Wakefield # 3-1 # fue relevado en la sexta por ex-Yankee Alfredo Aceves, que pasó el resto del camino para su primero guardar de la temporada.

Jeter fue de 1 a 3 contra Wakefield, dándole 32 de carrera de éxitos en la knuckleballer 44 años de edad, en su mayoría contra cualquier lanzador. Los dos han cuadrado en 118 partidos de placa, el partido más común entre los jugadores activos en las mayores.

"Es la misma que nadie", dijo Wakefield. "Me le acerqué al igual que los últimos 16 años."

Receptor de introducir Francisco Cervelli tuvo tres hits y dos carreras impulsadas para los Yankees.

Nueva York Tratado de rally en el sexto, anotando una vez y envío de Jeter con las bases cargan. Pero con sudor chorreando desde la cuenta de su gorra, Aceves Jeter a tierra en un juego de doble entrada final.

Justo antes de, rápida Brett Gardner no romper desde tercera en un lanzamiento que fue a la red de protección. Dijo que pensó que la bola golpeó a Jeter.

"No es una buena lectura", dijo Girardi. "Mucho cambia el aspecto del juego. No exactamente sin duda lo que sucedió, pero no leyó y terminó afectando a nosotros".

Haciendo su primera salida en el nuevo Yankee Stadium en una noche de 90 grados, Wakefield entregó una ventaja de 7-0 por el cuarto. Flotaba knuckleballs 66 km/h hacia el plato y Nueva York celebrada en verificación tiempo suficiente para ganar su carrera 196ª.

El jugador activo más antiguo en las ligas mayores, incluso Wakefield tuvo suficiente en el depósito de outrace

Red Sox Take Over First Place After Another Trouncing Of The Yankees

Red Sox Take Over First Place After Another Trouncing Of The Yankees

Associated Press|Jun. 9, 2011, 12:17 AM|28|



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NEW YORK (AP) — No flashy theatrics this time. David Ortiz smacked another home run at Yankee Stadium and took an ordinary trot around the bases.

Yup, beating up on the New York Yankees is becoming routine for the Red Sox.

Ortiz hit one of three Boston homers to back a tireless Tim Wakefield and the Red Sox extended their domination of the Yankees this season, defeating New York 11-6 on Wednesday night to take over first place in the AL East.

Hey David, what did you hit?

"A bomb," he said, drawing laughs.

Carl Crawford and J.D. Drew also connected, both in the ninth inning to break the game open for a second time. Jacoby Ellsbury had three hits and Adrian Gonzalez added two RBIs.

Facing his most familiar foe in Wakefield, Derek Jeter finished 1 for 5 to move within 11 hits of 3,000. He had a run-scoring double but also grounded into a rally-killing double play.

Alex Rodriguez homered but A.J. Burnett (6-4) came up small in a big game for the banged-up Yankees, who have lost seven of eight meetings with their longtime rivals this season — including all five at home.

The last time the Red Sox won their first five road games against the Yankees in a season was 1912, on the way to a World Series title.

"We play these guys so much. If you don't play well they're going to beat you," Jeter said. "They've outplayed us. They have a good team. The bottom line is they can hit and they can pitch. They can do a little bit of everything."

Boston goes for its second sweep at Yankee Stadium in a month Thursday night when right-hander Josh Beckett faces fellow ace CC Sabathia in their latest marquee matchup. Beckett has beaten Sabathia and the Yankees twice in two spotless starts this season, striking out 19 over 14 shutout innings.

Boston scored three runs in the first for the second consecutive night, including a two-run shot by Ortiz.

The reigning AL player of the week, who has four homers in his last eight games, hit a two-run drive in Tuesday's victory and punctuated it with a cocky flip of his bat followed by a silky pirouette before starting toward first base.

Yankees manager Joe Girardi said he "didn't really care for it," and Ortiz said it was simply "Papi style."

That home run came one pitch after rookie Hector Noesi backed Ortiz off the plate, but the Yankees never brushed him back Wednesday.

Ortiz said he wasn't concerned about New York throwing at him in retaliation.

"Why should I?" he said. "I don't care about what Joe Girardi said. I come to play the game every day. That's about it. I'm done with that.

"We cross that line, we take it like a man. That's it."

And there was a reason he played it cool when he connected Wednesday.

"I don't want to be national news tomorrow," Ortiz said. "I don't want to have you guys asking me the same questions. I've got almost 370 bombs in the big leagues. Everybody wants to make a big deal because I bat-flip one of them."

The Red Sox have won five straight overall after losing four in a row. Boston has 18 wins in 24 games, starting the surge with a three-game sweep in the Bronx from May 13-15.

Wakefield (3-1) was relieved in the sixth by ex-Yankee Alfredo Aceves, who went the rest of the way for his first save of the season.

Jeter was 1 for 3 against Wakefield, giving him 32 career hits off the 44-year-old knuckleballer, his most against any pitcher. The two have squared off in 118 plate appearances, the most common matchup among active players in majors.

"It's the same as anybody else," Wakefield said. "I approached him the same way as the last 16 years."

Fill-in catcher Francisco Cervelli had three hits and two RBIs for the Yankees.

New York tried to rally in the sixth, scoring once and sending up Jeter with the bases loaded. But with sweat dripping from the bill of his cap, Aceves got Jeter to ground into an inning-ending double play.

Just before that, speedy Brett Gardner failed to break from third on a pitch that went to the backstop. He said he thought the ball hit Jeter.

"It's not a good read," Girardi said. "It changes the complexion of the game a lot. I'm not exactly sure what happened, but he didn't read it and it ended up hurting us."

Making his first start at the new Yankee Stadium on a 90-degree night, Wakefield was handed a 7-0 lead by the fourth. He floated 66 mph knuckleballs toward the plate and held New York in check long enough to earn his 196th career win.

The oldest active player in the majors, Wakefield even had enough in the tank to outrace Gardner to first base on a grounder in the fourth.

Wakefield tripped over the head of Gardner, who dived headfirst into the bag, and tumbled to the turf. But the paunchy right-hander caught his breath, got back up and lasted 5 1-3 innings. When he was lifted, Ortiz was waiting with a hug at the top of the dugout steps.

"I thought we were going to have to need a wheelbarrow to get him off the field," manager Terry Francona said. "But that just shows his professionalism. He's always been a guy that covers first. That's why he's still pitching."

Rodriguez's 624th homer cut it to 7-1 in the fourth and gave him 1,865 RBIs, passing Hall of Famer Mel Ott for ninth on the career list.

NOTES: Red Sox 2B Dustin Pedroia is headed back to Boston on Thursday to have his sore right knee checked out by the team doctor. ... Jeter whiffed in the third, snapping a career-long stretch of 58 plate appearances without a strikeout. ... Yankees C Russell Martin (back) sat out and reliever Joba Chamberlain (elbow) was placed on the 15-day disabled list.

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童子軍的邪惡帝國做功課的 603。

凱文 · 格雷對棒球: 洋基找到 '603' 肥沃

凱文 · 格雷

公佈 2011 年 6 月 9 日淩晨 3: 00 (更新 2011 年 6 月 8 日 #


童子軍的邪惡帝國做功課的 603。

美國職棒大聯盟的業餘草案,兩種更多的新罕布夏產品 — — 里安 · 湯普森的最後一天從阿默斯特的 Souhegan 高和約瑟夫 · 馬希爾 · 貝德福德高 — — 在末輪洋基草擬了。

此外,亞歷山大和新區域的布里斯托爾加勒特寶石起草的這對雙胞胎,和布拉德 · 納北高和波士頓大學的 Zapenas 由小熊選項卡式。

佛蘭克林皮爾斯大學生運動員的四個球員起草了過去兩天,與寇里 Vogt 基恩州立學院入選紅襪週三。

比以往更加 MLB 草案將當地人放紐約州的心態。它開始從 Winnisquam Regional 的蒂爾頓,第三-評判,出任評選佬在 2011 年的第一次右撇子約旦科特。

湯普森,3-6-足右撇子,到 36 號圓滑倒後被鏟起佬的。現在,他將瀝青基恩沼澤蝙蝠的新英格蘭大學棒球聯賽及工作,與布朗克斯轟炸機臨的合同談判。業內人士預計可以起草湯普森在 10-15 第一輪。


馬希爾,5-6-足右撇子,聽到了這個消息後湖 Winnipesaukee 學校實地考察。他開始自己的投球東北大學在下個賽季完全懷著一天,但草案第 38 輪給他意外的顛簸。

"我不知所措。我仍在休克,"說馬希爾,會在今天的第 II 分部半決賽號 1 朴茨茅斯對瀝青 # p.m.# 3: 30 在和睦。"我下車 # 從實地考察 # 和一群孩子說 '你得起草 !'"


"老實說,它真的都歸結到錢 … …我有沒有代理,沒有顧問。在這一點上,我不知道如何處理這個問題,"他說。"這是每個小孩的夢想臨打球。它總是已經礦井。

全面、 從新罕布什爾州中學或大學的八個投手起草了在過去的兩天。科特作為整體的 118th 摘榜首。


Vogt,波士頓的選擇在第 39 輪,成為第一基恩狀態玩家所選擇的棒球的業餘草案。薩菲爾德,康涅狄格州本機洋基生根長大,但之前看電視週三晚上的比賽在布朗克斯的快速更改他最喜歡的球隊。

"#Boston 的現在,支付我的薪水,所以我不會很難,#"福格特說。它去酷玩棒球和掙薪水做這件事。

Zapenas,那些最近加入的鱈魚聯賽漆咸,開始在波士頓大學,擊球.229 遊擊手的所有 50 遊戲。小熊在第 42 輪 # 1,269 整體 # 起草了他。

佛蘭克林皮爾斯左旋布賴恩 · 洛 # # 巨人和葛列格里唐甯 # # 道奇隊在最後一輪,加入 FPU 的湯普森和接球手邁克爾 · 德 # 第十二輪,水手起草) 2011年草案板上。



Yankees encuentran '603' fértil

En béisbol Kevin Gray: Yankees encuentran '603' fértil


Publicado el 9 de junio de 2011 a las 3:00 am (actualizado el 8 de junio de 2011 #


Exploradores para el Imperio del mal hicieron sus deberes en el 603.

En el último día del draft amateur de la Major League Baseball, dos más productos de Nueva Hampshire: Ryan Thompson de alta Souhegan de Amherst y Joseph Maher de alto de Bedford, fueron redactados por los Yankees en las rondas finales.

Además, Garrett joya de Alejandría y flamante Regional de Bristol fue elaborado por los gemelos, y Brad Zapenas de Nashua North High y Boston College fue fichas por los cachorros.

Cuatro jugadores de los jugadores de la Universidad de Franklin Pierce se redactaron los dos últimos días, y Corey Vogt de Keene State College fue seleccionado por los Red Sox el miércoles.

Más que nunca, el proyecto de la MLB poner a locales en un Estado de Nueva York de la mente. Comenzó con Jordan Cote de Winnisquam Regional de Tilton, una tercera-rounder, quien se convirtió en el primer righty seleccionado por los Yankees en 2011.

Thompson, un righty de pie-6-3, fue recogida por los Yankees después de deslizarse a la 36ª ronda. Por ahora, voy de tono para los murciélagos de pantano Keene de la Liga de béisbol colegial de Nueva Inglaterra y el trabajo para negociar un contrato pro con los bombarderos del Bronx. Iniciados espera que Thompson podría redactarse en las primeras rondas de 10-15.

"Terminé apagar mi equipo y viendo una película. Pensé que no iba a angustia hoy, sobre el proyecto", dijo Thompson, saliendo de una temporada de All-America en División II Franklin Pierce.

Maher, un righty de 6 pies de 5, supo la noticia después de un viaje escolar a lago Winnipesaukee. Comenzó el día con intenciones completas de lanzamiento en la Universidad Northeastern próxima temporada pero la 38ª vuelta del proyecto le dio un inesperado sacudida.

"Estoy abrumado. Estoy todavía en estado de shock,"dijo Maher, quien podrá lanzar contra Nº 1 Portsmouth en semifinales de la II División de hoy # 3:30 p.m.# en Concord. "Bajé el bus # de la excursión # y un montón de niños dijo 'Que se redactó'!"

Maher, una escuela secundaria superior, tendrá un curso intensivo en el negocio del béisbol pro.

"Para ser honesto, realmente todos equivale al dinero... Tengo ningún agente, ningún asesor. En este punto, no sé cómo manejarlo,"dijo. "Es el sueño de todos los niños a jugar a la pelota pro. Siempre ha sido mío."

En general, ocho lanzadores de Nueva Hampshire escuelas o colegios se redactaron los dos últimos días. Costa encabezó la lista como elegir el 118 general.

"No me sorprende. A la hora de lanzamiento, creo que es más de un campo de juego incluso para los niños de Nueva Hampshire. "Estoy orgulloso de decir que estoy de Nuevo Hampshire, dijo Maher. "Cuando se trata de golpear y envío, tal vez es más difícil comparar con niños al sur."

Vogt, selección de Boston en la vuelta 39, fue el primer jugador de Keene estado seleccionado en el draft amateur del béisbol. El nativo de Suffield, Conn, creció la erradicación de los Yankees pero rápidamente cambió su equipo favorito antes de ver el juego de la noche del miércoles de TV en el Bronx.

"De #Boston # pagar mi salario ahora, así que no tengo un tiempo duro con él," Vogt, dijo. "Va a ser cool jugar béisbol y ganar un sueldo hacerlo."

Zapenas, quien recientemente se unió a Chatham de la Liga de Cape Cod, comenzó todos 50 partidos al jugador para la Universidad de Boston, bateando.229. Los cachorros le redactaron en el general Ronda # 1,269 42 #.

Zurdos de Franklin Pierce Brian Maloney # gigantes # y Gregory Downing # Dodgers # se redactaron en las rondas finales, uniéndose a Thompson y el receptor Michael Dowd ronda del # 12, marineros de FPU) en la Junta del proyecto de 2011.


Guionista Kevin Gray cubre béisbol pro para el dirigente sindical de New Hampshire y Nueva Hampshire Sunday News. Su dirección de correo electrónico es

Scouts for the Evil Empire did their homework in The 603.

Kevin Gray's On Baseball: Yankees find ‘603’ fertile


Published Jun 9, 2011 at 3:00 am (Updated Jun 8, 2011)


Scouts for the Evil Empire did their homework in The 603.

On the final day of Major League Baseball’s amateur draft, two more New Hampshire products – Ryan Thompson from Souhegan High of Amherst and Joseph Maher of Bedford High — were drafted by the Yankees in the late rounds.

In addition, Garrett Jewel of Alexandria and Newfound Regional of Bristol was drafted by the Twins, and Brad Zapenas of Nashua North High and Boston College was tabbed by the Cubs.

Four players from Franklin Pierce University players were drafted the past two days, and Corey Vogt of Keene State College was selected by the Red Sox on Wednesday.

More than ever, the MLB Draft put locals in a New York state of mind. It started with Jordan Cote from Winnisquam Regional of Tilton, a third-rounder, who became the first righty selected by the Yankees in 2011.

Thompson, a 6-foot-3 righty, was scooped by the Yankees after slipping to the 36th round. For now, he’ll pitch for the Keene Swamp Bats of the New England Collegiate Baseball League and work to negotiate a pro contract with the Bronx Bombers. Insiders expected Thompson might be drafted in the first 10-15 rounds.

“I ended up turning off my computer and watching a movie. I figured I wasn’t going to agonize over the draft today,” said Thompson, coming off an All-America season at Division II Franklin Pierce.

Maher, a 6-foot-5 righty, learned the news following a school field trip to Lake Winnipesaukee. He began the day with full intentions of pitching at Northeastern University next season but the 38th round of the draft gave him an unexpected jolt.

“I’m overwhelmed. I’m still in shock,” said Maher, who’ll pitch against No. 1 Portsmouth in today’s Division II semifinals (3:30 p.m.) in Concord. “I got off the bus (from the field trip) and a bunch of kids said ‘You got drafted!’”

Maher, a high school senior, will take a crash course in the business of pro baseball.

“To be honest, it really all comes down to the money … I have no agent, no advisor. At this point, I don’t know how to handle it,” he said. “It’s every kid’s dream to play pro ball. It’s always been mine.”

Overall, eight pitchers from New Hampshire high schools or colleges were drafted the past two days. Cote topped the list as the 118th overall pick.

“I’m not surprised. When it comes to pitching, I think it’s more of an even playing field for kids from New Hampshire. I’m proud to say I’m from New Hampshire,” Maher said. “When it comes to hitting and fielding, maybe it’s more tough to compare with kids from down south.”

Vogt, Boston’s pick in the 39th round, became the first Keene State player to be selected in baseball’s amateur draft. The Suffield, Conn., native grew up rooting for the Yankees but quickly changed his favorite team before watching on TV Wednesday night’s game in the Bronx.

“(Boston’s) paying my salary now, so I won’t have a hard time with it,” Vogt said. “It’s going to be cool playing baseball and earning a paycheck doing it.”

Zapenas, who recently joined Chatham of the Cape Cod League, started all 50 games at shortstop for Boston College, batting .229. The Cubs drafted him in the 42nd round (1,269 overall).

Franklin Pierce lefties Brian Maloney (Giants) and Gregory Downing (Dodgers) were drafted in the final rounds, joining FPU’s Thompson and catcher Michael Dowd (12th round, Mariners) on the 2011 draft board.


Staff writer Kevin Gray covers pro baseball for the New Hampshire Union Leader and New Hampshire Sunday News. His email address is

Catching up with the Rangers ‘piggy bank’ brothers

Thu Jun 09 10:19am EDT

Catching up with the Rangers ‘piggy bank’ brothers

By Jason Sickles

Conner Alexander's piggy bank bounty was a bust from the beginning.

The seven-year-old Texas Rangers fan posted the now-famous offer on a homemade sign from his seat in right field during Monday's game against the Detroit Tigers.

"Hey Rangers!" it read. "Hit my brother. Win my piggy bank."

But the offer, of course, wasn't as lucrative as it sounds.

"He has a piggy bank, but there's not a whole lot in it," says Ashlee Alexander, Conner's mom, from the family's home in Carthage, Texas.

"Un-uh," Conner admits when asked if he would have parted with his pennies.

Still, the sign was seen by millions on Yahoo and caused a ruckus among some readers. But all you backseat psychologists can breathe easier. Conner says he never really meant any harm for 10-year-old Hunter.

Instead, the boys hoped their ruse would get them on the ballpark's video board and catch the eye of their favorite players, Josh Hamilton(notes) and Nelson Cruz(notes).

"We were going to put a target on my brother, but we didn't have tape to do it," Conner says.

Their popularity on Big League Stew and Yahoo! has prompted over 24,000 Facebook shares and dozens of calls from friends in their small town located about two hours east of Dallas. Morning television programs have also called seeking interviews.

"I guess overwhelmed would be the best way to describe it," says their father, Billy Alexander. "It was just clean, innocent fun. They did what they set out to do, but they just got on (an even bigger) JumboTron."

Billy, a retired firefighter who now runs his own business and Ashlee, a special education teacher, say their boys are the best of friends. Billy balks at anyone who saw the playful prank as poor parenting.

"They just need to come to Texas and have some fun," he says.

Jason Sickles is the Dallas editor for Yahoo! Follow him on Twitter

Two Out Of Three

Two Out Of Three

UCLA's Gerrit Cole and Trevor Bauer both went in the top three picks

Unlike 2009 or 2010, there wasn't one player who stood heads and tails above the rest of the 2011 draft class. The Pirates decided to take the best arm in the draft. UCLA's Gerrit Cole's fastball flirts with triple digits and he pairs it with plus secondary stuff, which is why he's the top pick in the 2011 draft. But it took only one more pick for the 2011 draft to take an unexpected surprise in what was a topsy-turvy first day. Everyone can see scouting reports on every first-round pick. Subscribers can see scouting reports for the supplemental round as well . And to get you ready for day two, we have a list of the best available remaining players.

• We're posting features on each team's top pick through the night.

• We'll have updates throughout the draft on the Draft Blog and on the Baseball America Twitter feed, as well as Jim Callis', John Manuel's, Conor Glassey's and Nathan Rode's Twitter feeds.

• We've posted hundreds of scouting reports from around the country as all 50 states are now up on the Baseball America Draft Map. Readers can also get caught up with our 2011 Draft Archive as well as our Top 200 Draft Prospects list.

• Stay tune for rounds 2 through 50 today and Wednesday.

Subscribe today and get access to all the draft coverage, special reports and much more.


Lee Folger,