Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Barry Bonds culpables de obstrucción de la justicia, jurado dividido por otros cargos

Barry Bonds culpables de obstrucción de la justicia, jurado dividido por otros cargos

Por PAUL ELIAS 13/04/11 05: 53 PM ET




Béisbol, Mlb, delito de deportes, Barry Bonds esteroides, Barry Bonds, Barry Bonds perjurio juicio, Barry Bonds juicio, Barry Bonds veredicto, bonos no culpables, juicio de perjurio de bonos, bonos esteroides, juicio de bonos, bonos, bonos de perjurio, deportes noticias

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SAN FRANCISCO--Barry Bonds fue declarado culpable de obstrucción de la justicia, pero un jurado no logró alcanzar un veredicto sobre tres otros cargos que el rey del jonrón mintió a un jurado en 2003 cuando negó específicamente que a sabiendas usó esteroides y hormonas de crecimiento humano.

Tras un juicio de 12 días y casi cuatro días de deliberación, un jurado no pudo llegar a una votación unánime sobre tres de cuatro cargos, un desordenado final a un caso que el bateador en el centro de atención durante más de tres años.

Bonos sentaban stone-faced a través de la sentencia, no mostrar ninguna emoción.

El caso también representa la culminación de la investigación federal sobre el anillo de esteroides de Bay Area Laboratory Co-operative. Fiscales federales y el departamento de Justicia tendrá que decidir si Reintentar bonos en los conteos sin resolver.

Barry Bonds Guilty On Obstruction Of Justice, Jury Divided On Other Charges

Barry Bonds Guilty On Obstruction Of Justice, Jury Divided On Other Charges
Barry Bonds Verdict
By PAUL ELIAS 04/13/11 05:53 PM ET AP
SAN FRANCISCO -- Barry Bonds was found guilty of obstruction of justice but a jury failed to reach a verdict on three other counts that the home run king lied to a grand jury in 2003 when he specifically denied that he knowingly used steroids and human growth hormone.
Following a 12-day trial and almost four full days of deliberation, a jury could not reach a unanimous vote on three of four counts, a messy end to a case that put the slugger in the spotlight for more than three years.
Bonds sat stone-faced through the verdict, displaying no emotion.
The case also represented the culmination of the federal investigation into the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative steroids ring. Federal prosecutors and the Justice Department will have to decide whether to retry Bonds on the unresolved counts.



Story Highlights

Hip injuries have sidelined Carlos Delgado since May of 2009

He played 17 seasons in the majors for the Mets, Blue Jays and Marlins

Delgado made two All-Star teams , three Silver Sluggers and hit 473 home runs

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Carlos Delgado
Carlos Delgado played just 26 games for the Mets in 2009, his last season in the majors.
Getty Images
MLB Team Page
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) -- Carlos Delgado officially gave up Wednesday on coming back from a hip injury, announcing his retirement from baseball two years after he was sidelined with 473 career home runs.
The former New York Mets and Toronto Blue Jays first baseman announced his decision at a news conference in his native Puerto Rico.
"There comes a moment when you have to have the dignity and the sense to recognize that something is not functioning," the 38-year-old said. "You can't swim against the current."
The two-time All-Star played 17 major league seasons and finished with a .280 career batting average. He played for the Blue Jays from 1993-2004, went to the Florida Marlins for a season and finished out his career with the Mets from 2006-09.
Delgado stopped playing in the majors in May 2009 and had two hip surgeries in nine months. He signed a minor league deal with the Boston Red Sox in summer 2010 and played five games for Triple-A Pawtucket, going 3 for 13 with no extra-base hits and six strikeouts.
Dressed in a navy blue suit and a bright green tie, Delgado remained jovial throughout a speech that drew tears from many in the audience, including former teammate Carlos Baerga.
The pain that usually struck every training session was too much to endure, Delgado said.
"And this coming from a man who had nine operations," he said. "It is a sad moment as a human being and athlete that some of your abilities aren't what they once were."
Delgado won the Hank Aaron Award in 2000, the Silver Slugger Award in 1999, 2000 and 2003, and the Roberto Clemente Award in 2006.
Delgado had one of his best seasons with Toronto in 2003, hitting .302 with 145 RBIs and 42 home runs to finish second to Alex Rodriguez for the AL MVP award. His only postseason appearance came in 2006, when the Mets lost to the St. Louis Cardinals in the NL championship series.
Delgado, who received a rocking chair with a plaque that read: "Puerto Rico Home Run King," said he will dedicate the next six months to his wife and young son and daughter before becoming involved in baseball at a local level.
Lou Melendez, vice president of international affairs for Major League Baseball, said he was looking forward to working with Delgado.
"I have a partner who will help me promote baseball in Puerto Rico," he said.
Los Angeles Angels outfielder Vernon Wells played with Delgado in Toronto from 1999-2004.
"I think it's unfortunate, just because he's so close to 500 home runs. I would have liked to see him get to that number. It's one of the harder ones to get to. To be part of the 500 club would have been special to him, " Wells said Wednesday before the Angels played Cleveland.
"If not for the amount of time he played and the strain that you put on your body, he'd have been way past it. But I think he's proven everything he needed to prove, as far as being one of the best power hitters of his generation. He had some of the most impressive pop that you'll see in a ballplayer -- to all fields. And when he hit the ball, it wasn't coming down."
Wells credited Delgado with his rise to becoming an All-Star in the majors.
"He was instrumental in me getting going in my career and helping me becoming the player I am now. He taught me pitchers' tendencies and different things, " he said.
"Once I was playing every day in 2002, we started to develop a relationship where we could talk about anything and everything," Wells said. "He didn't talk much about himself. I think that started with his dad and his upbringing. He loved to play the game and you never heard a bad thing about him. He always had a smile on his face and he was a good person to be around."
Florida manager Edwin Rodriguez has known Delgado since the star was in high school.
"At this point and under the circumstances, I think it's good for him to concentrate on the other aspects of his life," he said before the Marlins played in Atlanta. "One thing for sure, he's one of the guys who stayed clean his whole career. That's a plus."
Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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4 月 13 日 (水) 12時 53分 EDT です。


4 月 13 日 (水) 12時 53分 EDT です。

Slumpbot 200: バーノンの井戸と、地球上の slumpiest の場所。

アレックス レミントンで

それだ !最高の技術の利用できる今日 SlumpBot.200 現在トラブルのビットをしているいくつかの選手を識別して、パフォーマンスのリカバリのためのソリューションを提供しています。

ヴァーノン ・ Wells(notes#, Los Angeles Angels

データ:.091/.149/.114、0 時間、2 打点

故障: バーノンの井戸、2 週間後、彼の天使たちのキャリアには全く失われた探しています。彼は 4-44 のちょうど 1 つの extra-base のヒットは、ダブルのです。彼のマネージャー彼火曜日にレジー ・ ウィリッツ # 注意 # のベンチし、天使のファンはすでに彼は週末にブーイング開始。彼が遅い低下スキルのサインを開始彼だけを押しているか?

診断: スカウト ジョン クリマ井戸の闘争の詳細を提供します。彼の足の速さ」欠きを右利きの打者の平均以下」であり「彼はまだ、平均のメジャー リーグ腕をスローしていますいるクリマを書き込みますしかし、彼のアプローチの最も気になるされたプレートでは。

井戸の第 2 打席、[ブレット] でセシル — はその 47 球をスローしていた、その 86 マイル毎時 90 マイルの速球をカットし、シンクがほとんど: nibbler-堂々 - 井戸をストレートに戻るファウル、87 マイル速球を投げた。

ミスに近いような球のある 2 つのこと: 悪いタイミングまたは減少スピード。時々 両方。井戸現在トップ hitter… のスイングの特徴、緩やかな爆発が不足している、正直のスカウトを締結する必要があります。

彼は彼の手の信頼ではない彼を - 得るピッチさせることではない、おそらく確認されていない彼の手彼に何を使用できるようにされていない理由。

クリマの報告に基づいて、井戸の闘争明らかに、通常の 4 月寒さスペルを超えて移動します。まだ傷害は常に可能な原因です。タイミングの問題よりも物理容量の場合は、彼の闘争井戸、彼はいくつかの春のトレーニング ゲームを続けた 3 月下旬に苦しんだハムスト リングひずみ悪化されている可能性があります。

その一方で、バーノン 2006年、2008 年と 2010 年にも悪い 2007 年と 2009年の打撃では平凡なもの 5 年間の素晴らしいシーズンを交互が。ので、彼は今年の減少が不可避だった。しかし、彼は見ていない今のような男の減少。彼は、マイナーの求めて流民のように見えます。

再起動の方向: 残念ながら、井戸の闘争としてそんなアンドルージョーンズ # 注意 # 何も 2008 年に通知します。井戸はちょうど多くのゲーム センターのフィールドは、物理的な処罰の位置、ダイヤモンドの 1 つで演奏している、古い 32 の 32、しかし、彼は。アンドリュー ジョーンズ 31 2008年では、同様に、新しいチームに、大きな契約との全体の季節をヒットする方法を単に忘れて彼の時間の前に古い centerfielder だった。オフの日井戸のすべての理由を開始するには良い場所です: 彼は彼のタイミングと彼の精神的な準備する必要があります、彼は彼のハムスト リングの残りの部分する必要があり、彼のスキルこれまで低下している場合は、彼は、日常のプレーヤーになります。今の彼だけを順序では、1 日には、少なくとも毎週または 2 つの彼の足の残りの部分に与えバッティングする必要があります。

多くの人々、天使に減少選手 86 万ドルの左彼の契約の取引のパン。今彼が。彼らに DL--彼に言い訳を見つけることができる場合、ハムスト リングとして何か説得力のあることがあります - は彼、マイナー リーグのリハビリの割り当ては彼は彼の問題が悪いタイミングまたはバット速度の低下であるかどうかを確認できませんでした送信可能性があります。今、テレビ彼のための最高の場所ではないかもしれない。


カール ・ クロフォード # 注意 #、ボストン ・ レッド ソックス.152/.204/.174、0 時間、2 SB、1 CS
レッド ソックスの 2-9 開始、非難の指をポイントに方向が多いが、$142 万人を開始するには良い場所です。彼は、最悪の打率と OBP チームとチームのみ 3. 6 を平均している理由は、ゲーム実行です。# ジョンラッキー # 注意 # と松坂大輔 # 注意 # おそらく良い人々 を非難するのでも 6. 5 を実行、ゲームを許可しました #。

クロフォード チーム スイッチして大きな契約には、ライブに苦労するには、最初の選手、彼の年齢や実績を与え、可能性が高い彼と彼のチームメイトのすべては超を押していることです。期待ボストンですぐに抑えられます。光線がさらに悪いことに scuffling はちょうど運が良ければです。アル ・東部では、それはプレーオフの競合良いプッシュするチームのための数週間かかります。

クリフリー # 注意 #、フィラデルフィア フィリーズ 1-1 7.84 時代、1. 45 鞭、14. 0 K ・ BB
とも貴重な投手フィリーズ スタッフのジョー ・ ブラントン # 注意 # 彼 10. 45 されている時代が李実際にされている幾分歩行者彼最終 17 のレギュラー シーズンの開始をシアトルの取引以来: 5-7、4. 31 の時代。彼の基になるコンポーネントがいつものように特別にされている-8.32 の奪三振あたり 9 イニングと不条理な 8. 46 徒歩三振。しかし、彼は提供しています、

Slumpbot. 200: Vernon Wells y el slumpiest lugar en la tierra

Wed 13 de Apr 12:53 pm EDT

Slumpbot. 200: Vernon Wells y el slumpiest lugar en la tierra

Por Alex Remington

Está de vuelta! Utilizando la mejor tecnología disponible para nosotros hoy, SlumpBot.200 identifica algunos jugadores que actualmente tienen un poco de problemas y, a continuación, ofrece soluciones para recuperación de rendimiento.

Vernon Wells(notes#, Los Angeles Angels

Datos:.091/.149/.114, 0 H, 2 RBI

Mal funcionamiento: Dos semanas en su carrera de Ángeles, Vernon Wells está buscando totalmente perdido. Es 4-para-44 con solo un hit de extra-base, un doble. Su administrador le había acuerdo el martes para Reggie Willits # notas # y ventiladores de Ángeles comenzaron ya le abucheos durante el fin de semana. ¿Es su lento inicio un signo de menor capacidad, o es simplemente presionando?

Diagnóstico: Scout John Klima ofrece una visión detallada de las luchas de Wells. Klima escribe que su velocidad de pie es "una muesca pequeña que está por debajo del promedio para un bateador diestro" y que "todavía tiene un promedio de grandes ligas lanzando brazo." Pero es su enfoque en el plato que fue más preocupante.

En segunda al bate Wells, [Brett] Cecil — un nibbler que por entonces había arrojado 47 lanzamientos y cuya 86 mph a 90 mph fastball corta y se hunde pero es apenas imponer--arrojó un fastball de 87 km/h que Wells viciada hacia atrás.

Cerca de misses de esos lanzamientos son signos de una de dos cosas: mal tiempo o velocidad de murciélago disminuida. A veces ambas. Un scout honesto debe concluir que Wells carece actualmente de la explosividad sueltos que caracteriza el swing de una hitter… superior

Él no confiar en sus manos, no dejando lanzamientos a él--o quizás no está seguro de por qué sus manos no permitiéndole a hacer lo que solían.

Según informe de Klima, luchas de Wells claramente van más allá de una normal fríos de abril. Sin embargo, siempre es posible culpable. Si es más una cuestión de tiempo que la capacidad física, sus luchas pueden se han exacerbado por una cepa de músculos isquiotibiales que Wells sufrió a finales de marzo, que lo mantuvo fuera de varios juegos de entrenamiento de primavera.

Por otra parte, Vernon ha alternado una gran temporada con un mediocre durante los últimos cinco años, en 2006, 2008 y 2010 y mal en 2007 y 2009. Por lo que resulta inevitable que disminuirá este año. Pero ahora que no se ve como un hombre en declive. Parece un menor junto.

Direcciones de reinicio: Lamentablemente, luchas de Wells me recuerdan nada tanto como Andruw Jones # notas # en 2008. Wells es sólo 32, pero él de un viejo 32, habiendo jugado muchos partidos en el centro de campo, una de las posiciones más físicamente castigada en el diamante. Andruw Jones fue 31 en 2008, una jardinera antigua antes de su tiempo, que también llegó a un nuevo equipo en un gran contrato y simplemente se olvidó de cómo pegar durante una temporada completa. En días son un buen punto de partida para los pozos, para toda la razón: tiene que averiguar su tiempo y su preparación mental, él deba descansar sus músculos isquiotibiales y si sus habilidades esto ahora en declive, ya no puede ser un jugador de todos los días. Por ahora, él debe sólo ser bateo hacia abajo en el orden y dado un día libre por lo menos cada semana o dos para descansar sus piernas.

Mucha gente panorámica los Ángeles para el comercio de un jugador declive con la izquierda de 86 millones de dólares en su contrato. Pero ahora lo tienen. Si puede encontrar una excusa para ponerlo en la DL--músculos isquiotibiales podrían ser tan creíble como nada--podrían enviarle para una asignación de rehabilitación de liga menor, donde puede determinar si su problema es mal tiempo o disminución de la velocidad de murciélago. Ahora, la televisión no puede ser el mejor lugar para él.

¿Que otros jugadores están luchando en el inicio de la temporada?

Carl Crawford # notas #,.152/.204/.174 de Boston Red Sox, 0 H, 2 SB, 1 CS
Hay un montón de direcciones para señalar con el dedo de culpa por el inicio de los Red Sox 2-9, pero el hombre de 142 millones de dólares es un buen lugar para comenzar. Tiene el peor promedio de bateo y OBP en el equipo y es una buena razón, que el equipo sólo tiene un promedio de 3.6 ejecuta un juego. # Has también les 6,5 carreras un juego, por lo que John Lackey # notas # y Daisuke Matsuzaka # notas # son culpables de que probablemente buena gente. #

Crawford no es el primer jugador en cambiar equipos y se esfuerzan por cumplir un contrato grande, y dada su edad y su trayectoria es probable que él y todos sus compañeros de equipo están presionando sólo masivamente. Pero las expectativas tienen que ser templado rápidamente en Boston. Son sólo que los rayos son reñir aún peor. En el este AL, tarda sólo unas semanas para un equipo a ser expulsados de playoffs para bien.

Cliff Lee # notas #, Philadelphia Phillies 1-1, 7,84 ERA, látigo 1,45, 14.0 K/BB
Ha sido el lanzador menos valioso del personal Phillies Joe Blanton # notas # y su 10,45 ERA, pero Lee realmente está bastante peatonal sobre su última 17 comienza temporada regular desde ser traspasado de Seattle: 5-7 con un 4,31 ERA. Sus componentes subyacentes han sido extraordinarios como de costumbre: 8.32 ponches por nueve entradas y una relación de tachado a pie 8.46 absurdo. Pero él ha sido renunciar a un buen número de carreras, y tuvo un terrible mundo

Slumpbot .200: Vernon Wells and the slumpiest place on earth

It's back! Using the best technology available to us today, SlumpBot .200 identifies a few players who are currently having a bit of trouble and then offers solutions for performance recovery.
Vernon Wells(notes), Los Angeles Angels
Data: .091/.149/.114, 0 HR, 2 RBI
Malfunction: Two weeks into his Angels career, Vernon Wells is looking utterly lost. He's 4-for-44 with just one extra-base hit, a double. His manager benched him on Tuesday for Reggie Willits(notes) and Angels fans already started booing him over the weekend. Is his slow start a sign of diminished skills, or is he just pressing?
Diagnosis: Scout John Klima offered a detailed look at Wells's struggles. Klima writes that his foot speed is "a small notch below average for a right-handed hitter," and that "he still has an average major league throwing arm." But it's his approach at the plate that was most worrisome.
In Wells' second at-bat, [Brett] Cecil — a nibbler who by then had thrown 47 pitches and whose 86 mph to 90 mph fastball cuts and sinks but is hardly imposing -- threw an 87 mph fastball that Wells fouled straight back.
Near-misses of such pitches are signs of one of two things: bad timing or diminished bat speed. Sometimes both. An honest scout must conclude that Wells presently lacks the loose explosiveness that characterizes the swing of a top hitter…
He isn't trusting his hands, isn't letting pitches get to him -- or perhaps isn't sure why his hands aren't letting him do what they used to.
Based on Klima's report, Wells's struggles clearly go beyond a normal April cold spell. Yet injury is always a possible culprit. If it's more a matter of timing than physical capacity, his struggles may have been exacerbated by a hamstring strain that Wells suffered in late March, which kept him out of several spring training games.
On the other hand, Vernon has alternated a great season with a mediocre one for the last five years, hitting well in 2006, 2008, and 2010 and poorly in 2007 and 2009. So it was inevitable that he would decline this year. But right now he doesn't look like a man in decline. He looks like a minor leaguer.
Reboot Directions: Unfortunately, Wells's struggles remind me of nothing so much as Andruw Jones(notes) in 2008. Wells is just 32, but he's an old 32, having played a lot of games in center field, one of the most physically punishing positions on the diamond. Andruw Jones was 31 in 2008, a centerfielder old before his time, who likewise came to a new team on a big contract and simply forgot how to hit for an entire season. Off days are a good place to start for Wells, for every reason: he needs to figure out his timing and his mental preparation, he may need to rest his hamstring, and if his skills are this far in decline, he may no longer be an everyday player. For right now, he should just be batting down in the order and given a day off at least every week or two to rest his legs.
A lot of people panned the Angels for trading for a declining player with $86 million left on his contract. But now they have him. If they can find an excuse to put him on the DL -- that hamstring might be as plausible as anything -- they could send him down for a minor league rehab assignment, where he could determine whether his problem is bad timing or declining bat speed. Right now, television may not be the best place for him.
Which other players are struggling at the start of the season?

Carl Crawford(notes), Boston Red Sox .152/.204/.174, 0 HR, 2 SB, 1 CSThere are a lot of directions to point the finger of blame for the Red Sox's 2-9 start, but the $142 million man is a good place to start. He has the worst batting average and OBP on the team and is a good reason the team has only averaged 3.6 runs a game. (They've also allowed 6.5 runs a game, so John Lackey(notes) and Daisuke Matsuzaka(notes) are probably good people to blame for that.)
Crawford isn't the first player to switch teams and struggle to live up to a big contract, and given his age and track record it's likely that he and all of his teammates are just massively pressing. But expectations have to be quickly tempered in Boston. They're just lucky the Rays are scuffling even worse. In the AL East, it only takes a few weeks for a team to be pushed out of playoff contention for good.
Cliff Lee(notes), Philadelphia Phillies 1-1, 7.84 ERA, 1.45 WHIP, 14.0 K/BBThe least valuable pitcher of the Phillies staff has been Joe Blanton(notes) and his 10.45 ERA, but Lee has actually been rather pedestrian over his last 17 regular-season starts since being traded out of Seattle: 5-7 with a 4.31 ERA. His underlying components have been extraordinary as usual — 8.32 strikeouts per nine innings and an absurd 8.46 strikeout-to-walk ratio. But he's been giving up a fair number of runs — and he had a terrible World Series, giving up nine earned runs in 11 2/3 innings. He'll be fine as that K/BB basically precludes extended failure. But he's still human.
Mike Pelfrey(notes), New York Mets 0-1, 10.80 ERA, 2.31 WHIP, 0.67 K/BBPelfrey repeated the results of his 2008 breakout year in 2010 and was one of the few bright spots on a Mets team whose on-field struggles were largely overshadowed by questions regarding the team owners' investments with Bernie Madoff. It's hard to say that Pelfrey's performance has been as bad as a multi-billion dollar scandal, but it's in the running. He currently has the highest ERA in the majors and more walks than strikeouts. His biggest problem throughout his career has always been his control— he doesn't strike many guys out, and he doesn't generally limit his walks enough to make up for it. This year is just the apotheosis of his problems. His performance will stabilize somewhat once he can cut his walks, but it's looking more and more like the real Mike Pelfrey isn't the man who had a 3.66 ERA in 2010, but the man who has a career 4.42 ERA — not a moderately above-average pitcher, but a slightly below-average pitcher who had a couple charmed seasons. If he can't cut the walks, he's not long for the league.