Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dodgers Stadium Fire: Second Fire Reported at Dodgers Stadium

By (Featured Columnist) on May 29, 2011
41,778 reads

114918719_crop_340x234 Stephen Dunn/Getty Images Dodgers Stadium Suffers Second Fire in Same Storage Room
For all you conspiracy theorists out there, Dodgers Stadium suffered its second fire in two days this morning...in the same storage room.
The first small fire on Saturday was reportedly caused by "paper products igniting."
There is still no word on the cause of the small blaze this morning, but, if anything, maybe those paper products should be moved to a different area of the stadium.
San Francisco Giants fans will probably say it's well-deserved, but, seriously, is there anything else that can go wrong for the Los Angeles Dodgers these days?
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The stadium has been taken over by Major League Baseball amid all the hoopla surrounding owner (or co-owner) Frank McCourt, who reportedly was $457 million in debt.
Manager Joe Torre clearly had enough.
And, to top it all off, the Dodgers are currently mired in their second straight disappointing season, with a 24-30 record (hey, at least outfielder Matt Kemp seems focused this time around).
The last thing the Dodgers need is "paper products igniting" all over the place.
Of course, there's another theory, courtesy of Hardball Talk's Craig Calcaterra:
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to continue work on my novel. It’s a fantastical, fictional story about a businessman who buys an NBA team called the Los Alamos Diggers, runs them into the ground, is taken to the brink financially and then collects millions on the insurance when his arena burns down in a mysterious fire.
Given the state of the Dodgers lately, I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case.
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